Exchange Eseutil Error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure Fixed

Microsoft Exchange is a widely used email client nowadays in many organizations due to its wide range of features. Just like any other platform, users of MS Exchange also have to face many errors. Many of these issues are easy to resolve using manual procedures but some errors are so hard to fix. One such error is Exchange jet error 1018. Many users don’t know the procedure to resolve the issue due to which their work is hampered. Therefore, this article explains the methods to remove Exchange Eseutil error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure checksum error.
Users can take help of manual as well as automated solutions. There are some situations when the manual procedure fails to perform, in such cases the use of EDB mailbox to PST converter is suggested so that the workflow of a user does not hamper and users can access their data with ease.
Introduction to Jet Error 1018 Checksum Error on a Database Page
In most cases, the 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure checksum error occurs in case of Exchange database corruption. Users can use the in-built utility to fix the damage which happened at the page level. If the database file is damaged at the page level, then this error is displayed to the users. Let us now discuss the factors responsible for the issue and after that we will move to the solution to fix it.
Reasons Behind Exchange Jet Error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure
The issue usually occurs due to the below mentioned factors:
When the value of checksum does not match the value stored in the header of the database which is measured while writing database to disk.
The issue associated to NTFS file system can also be the reason behind this error.
Users can also face this error while writing data to the wrong segment of the hard disk.
Procedures to Fix Eseutil Error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure
Like every other issue, there are methods to remove this error too. Moreover, it is essential to know the proper approach to rectify the error. There are two ways to resolve 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure checksum error on a database page i.e. manual and expert solution.
Method 1 – Manual Approach
Users can try the Eseutil/p utility which is considered to be one of the best methods to repair file system level corruption. If the corrupted data still remains in the Exchange database file, then the user may end up losing data. After running this command, it will start removing corruption from EDB files. Moreover, it is not feasible to mount the DB to Exchange Server until it de-fragmentation is not done.
Defrag Database
While running the Eseutil command, it eliminates the damaged pages available inside the database file due to which white spaces are created in it. To remove white spaces from the file, users can run the following command while fixing Exchange 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure checksum error on a database page.
C:\program files\exchsevr\bin>Eseutil/d “c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb”
Maintain Structure of File
The index of the database is not retained properly when the repairing and de-fragmenting is done. Therefore, it need to be maintained in a proper which uses Isinteg tool. It corrects the physical and logical numbering of the database. After completing all the steps, a user can mount the database.
Method 2 – Expert Solution
If in case the manual procedure does not work, then users have another option left i.e. they can opt for the third party application. Using this tool, users can easily rectify Exchange Jet error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure without losing any data. It will help users to repair damage data available in EDB files and then transfer it to PST and several other file formats. As a result, this will not hamper the workflow of the organization or a user. If this error occurs, then it becomes difficult for the users to access data. Therefore, it is suggested to the users that they can use a professional software which will make the entire process efficient and simpler.
Nowadays, Microsoft Exchange is one of the most popular email clients used by the organizations and users from communication purpose. However, it can be difficult for the users when they face some error such as Exchange Jet error 1018 jet_errreadverifyfailure. These issues can hamper the workflow of the organization. Therefore, the solutions to fix the error are discussed in the article along with the factors responsible behind it.