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Reply To: Can anyone tell me what SRS file exactly is?

Michael Scofield ~ Modified: July 29th, 2015 ~ ~ 1 Minute Reading

Home Forums Can anyone tell me what SRS file exactly is? Reply To: Can anyone tell me what SRS file exactly is?

#389 Score: 0
Michael Scofield
20 pts

Yes, it is. You can Search SRS File from this location: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook

By deleting .srs file in MS Outlook you can fix the bug easily.

Steps to delete .srs file:

1. Close “MS Outlook”.
2. Press “Window Key” + “R” & type this location on Run dialog box C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Outlook
3. Delete the .srs file.
4. Click on “Send/Receive” button.

Note: Please unchecked all add-ins & repair Outlook PST File before performing this.